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This issue marks the end of the first year for SelfCare. We say good bye to Co-Editor Eric Brass with profound thanks for all he has done to put the journal on a sound footing during his time with us. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Peter Noyce, Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Manchester, and Professor Bill Soller of the Center for Self Care, UCSF School of Pharmacy who will serve as Co-Editors-in-Chief for the UK & Europe, and the US respectively. I will continue to serve as a managing editor for the day to day running of the journal. We are privileged to have their expertise and enthusiasm in leading the journal into the next exciting phase of its development. Finally we remain very grateful to our Editorial Board and our willing team of Associate Editors for all their contributions, and to our early subscribers for the faith they have shown in the aims ofSelfCare.
The first year of SelfCare has seen the publication of papers and reviews across a wide spectrum of subjects relevant to self-care, from new therapeutic developments to health economic assessments, and papers on the methodology of consumer surveys and studies. We have also published papers on important developments in the self-care of long term conditions such as diabetes. In the next year we expect to expand this range still further with contributions on self-care aspects of healthcare and regulatory policy. We also plan to include papers on the evidence base for complementary therapies and the interface between nutritional products and medicines.
We end the first year more convinced than ever of the need for SelfCare as the home for evidence based information on self-care in all its manifestations. We are embarking on an important year for the journal as we seek indexing in major medical literature databases. We welcome high quality submissions to help us in achieving this landmark in the recognition of self-care as an important subject in the medical literature. In this next year we also plan to publish occasional supplements to the journal based on specialist subjects within self-care, for example based on the proceedings of symposia. Further details on this can be obtained from the SelfCare Editorial Office.
This issue sees the publication of our first ‘Letter to the Editor’. We hope this will encourage others to get involved in commenting on the content of the journal or on any aspect covered by the broad field of self-care that should be shared with their peers in SelfCare.