Editorial Board
SelfCare Editor in Chief
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Bill Soller PhD, is the Executive Director of the Center for Consumer Self Care and Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco. Between 1985 and 2003, Dr. Soller was Senior Vice President of Science & Technology for the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, the consumer pharmaceutical industry representative body in the US.
Dr. Soller has a broad-based experience in drug and food law, regulations and health policy, and in consumer and pharmaceutical care research. He is principal author of numerous drug and dietary supplement related submissions to the Food Drug Administration (FDA).
Dr. Soller’s research interests include a focus on how consumers, as patients, access and use health information and pharmacy care services as a basis to effectively self-manage acute and chronic diseases as well as promote better health through lifestyle changes.
SelfCare Managing Editor
Pharmaceutical Consultant
Dr Mann MBBS, MFPM, an experienced pharmaceutical physician, has spent the last 16 years directing the switch to self-medication of several important groups of medicines in Europe, including simvastatin in the UK – a global first. He was Vice President of European R&D at Mc Neil from 1997 – 2005. Since 2005, Dr. Mann has been an independent consultant to the consumer pharmaceutical industry, working with all of the major companies active in Europe.
SelfCare Commissioning Editor for USA Contributors
Consultant to the Pharmaceutical Industry
John D. Irvin, MD, PhD, is a senior pharmaceutical executive with 32 years of experience in the industry. As a vice president of Merck Research Laboratories and senior vice president of Johnson & Johnson•Merck he was responsible for global Rx-to-OTC switch development, the Merck Manual, Merck Index, Clinical Information Services, and Education & Training.
Dr. Irvin is a member of: Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Investigators where he was a founding member and served as trustee, chairman and president; American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Drug Information Association; American Heart Association; and the American Society of Hypertension where he served as chairman of the Corporate Affairs Committee.
Director, Post-licensing Division, Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, UK
Dr June Raine CBE, MSc, MRCP, trained in general medicine in Oxford after completing a Masters degree by research in Pharmacology. Her career in medicines regulation has spanned a number of roles in assessment, management and strategic development within the UK national authority. She was elected in 2005 to chair the CHMP’s Pharmacovigilance Working Party, and is also a member of the WHO Advisory Committee on Safety of Medicinal Products. Her special interests are in monitoring the outcomes of regulatory action, risk communication and patient involvement in the regulatory process.
Dr. Raine is recognized as a thought leader in the area of legal classification of medicines. In 2009 she was appointed CBE in recognition of her work in medicines regulation.
David B. Nash, Founding Dean and Dr. Raymond C. and Doris N. Grandon Professor of Health Policy, Jefferson College of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson University
Dr. Nash M.D., MBA, FACP is internationally recognized for his work in outcomes management, medical staff development and quality-of-care improvement; his publications have appeared in more than 100 articles in major journals and he has edited nineteen books.
He is on the board of directors and advisory board of multiple healthcare companies. Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of four major national journals including P&T, Population Health Management, Biotechnology Healthcare and the American Journal of Medical Quality.
University of Pittsburgh Vice Chancellor for Research Conduct and Compliance, and Distinguished Service Professor of Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy
Dr. Juhl served as President of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science in the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1992 to 1993, and as chair of the newly created FDA advisory committee on non-prescription drugs from 1992 to 1996. In 1998, Dr. Juhl was appointed chairman of the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee for the FDA, created by the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 to serve as a public forum for the resolution of regulatory issues affecting pharmacy compounding.
Professor of Primary Care (Pharmacy), and Head of Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, UK.
Professor Christine Bond (BPharm (Hons.), MEd, PhD, FRPharmS, FFPH FRCPE) is Professor of Primary Care (Pharmacy), and Head of Centre of Academic Primary Care, University of Aberdeen. Until recently she was part time Consultant in Pharmaceutical Public Health (NHS Grampian). She has a large portfolio of pharmacy practice research in the contribution of pharmacy to the evidence based cost effective use of medicines (prescribed and ‘OTC’), drug misuse, the community pharmacist-general practitioner interface and the wider health care agenda. She served as an elected member of the Scottish National Board of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) for 10 years until summer 2009, she has served on several national Research Panels eg the Health Service Research Committee of the Scottish Office, the MRC College of Experts, the RPSGB Pharmacy Practice Research Trust Award panel, the Health Services and Pharmacy Practice Conference Panel. She is a member of the Society of Academic Primary Care UK Executive, and deputy chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Expert Advisory Panel for Science.
General practitioner and senior partner in North Kent, UK.
Dr Julian Spinks BSC MB BS DGM is a general practitioner and senior partner in a practice in North Kent. In addition to his GP work he has helped to develop three major guidelines for The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). In 2013 he was on the group that wrote the NICE Quality Standard for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms.
He has been widely published in journals including The British Medical Journal, The International Journal of Clinical Practice, UK GP newspapers and magazines and is a member of the Fellows Board of The Map of Medicine. He is in demand as a lecturer in his special interest area of continence care and is a national advisor to the Association for Continence Advice. Dr Spinks has worked on a number of projects for the pharmaceutical industry including advice on the switch to self-medication in new clinical areas.
Julie Aker,
President and CEO of Concentrics Research, a clinical research organisation.
Professor Ian Banks,
Professor of General Practice and President of the European Men’s Health Forum.
Dr. David Bradford,
Senior Vice President for OTC Switches, PEGUS Research, Inc.
Dr. Philip Chan,
Telepharmacy and Special Programs Manager; WOS Health Sciences Asst. Professor. University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Hubertus Cranz,
Director General, AESGP (European Self Medication Industry Body).
Dr. Natalie Gauld,
Affiliated with the School of Pharmacy, University of Otago. Director, Natalie Gauld Ltd.
Dr. Edwin Hemwall,
Vice President, Rx-to-OTC Switch Science, Bayer HealthCare Consumer Care.
Dr. Robert Hofmann,
Consultant, med4pharma.
Peter Barton Hutt,
Former chief counsel at Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Professor Teresa Martins,
Professor of Nursing at ESEP (Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto) and president of the Self-care Scientific Department at ESEP). Researcher from CINTESIS (Centre for Health Technology and Services Research). Special interest areas are self-care commitment, carers of dependent people and interactive technologies to support self- care activities. Professor Martins guides some PhD and master thesis and participates in the Advisory Committee from Nursing and Health Scientific Societies.
Dr. Edward B. Nelson,
Medical Director, Martek Biosciences.
Jim Phillips,
Director, Quality institute for self-management education and training and self-management consultant.
Professor Paul Rutter,
Professor in Pharmacy Practice, University of Central Lancashire.
Dr. Saul Shiffman,
Professor of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Senior Scientific Advisor to Pinney Associates.
Dr. Pete Smith OBE,
Co-Chair of the Self Care Forum.
Dr. Kelly Stamp,
Dr. Stamp is an Associate Professor and Chair of Family & Community Nursing Department at UNC Greensboro, School of Nursing. She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles focusing on self-care of patients with heart failure and is funded to conduct a study regarding practitioners accuracy in assigning heart failure patients’ NYHA Classification. In addition, Dr. Stamp is the President of the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses organization.
Professor Jeff G Taylor,
Professor of Pharmacy and Director, Pharmacy EduLab Program, University of Saskatchewan.
Dr. Michela Tinelli,
Visiting Research Fellow, London School of Economics, Health.
Professor Albert Wertheimer,
Professor of Sociobehavioral and Administrative Pharmacy, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Professor Wertheimer is one of the founders and leaders in the field of social and administrative pharmacy. He is an author or editor of 42 books, about 430 journal articles and he has consulted or lectured in 72 countries.