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Issue: Volume 01: Issue 1; Pages 1 - 53

by I. Banks
Banks I. Self Care of Minor Ailments: A Survey of Consumer and Healthcare Professional Beliefs and Behaviour. SelfCare 2010;1(1):1-13
Most minor health problems can be managed by people with medicines that they purchase. However minor ailments remain the subject of many NHS consultations with doctors and generate substantial numbers of prescriptions…

by Ian F Burgess
Burgess I.F. Self Care of Head Louse Infestation. SelfCare 2010;1(1):14-28
Treatment of head louse infestation is primarily a family affair. However, until products became available for self medication it was fraught with difficulty…

by S. Mann
Mann S. Simvastatin for Self Medication in the UK. SelfCare 2010;1(1):29-43
Simvastatin 10mg (Zocor Heart Pro®) became available for purchase under the supervision of a pharmacist (i.e. as a ‘P’ medicine) in the UK in 2004 and remains the only statin available for self medication worldwide…

by S. Mann
Mann S. Tamsulosin as a ‘P’ medicine for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. SelfCare 2010;1(1):44-49
The reclassification of tamsulosin hydrochloride 0.4mg (Flomax Relief®) in the UK from prescription only medicine (POM) status to ‘P’ medicine (for sale under the supervision of a pharmacist) was announced in November 2009…

by J. Kennedy
Kennedy J. Self Care of Acute Diarrhoea in Non-Travelling Adults. SelfCare 2010;1(1):50-53 (Free text)
In each issue Dr. James Kennedy considers a common medical problem and summarises the pragmatic evidence-based advice that can be offered to people wanting to look after themselves.

Worried Well. SelfCare April 2010 (Free text)
SelfCare collects ‘clippings’ from the media highlighting topical medical issues for consumers. For obvious reason we call this section ‘Worried Well’. If you come across similar examples from your part of the world we would love to hear from you. Send contributions to editor@selfcarejournal.com