SelfCare Focus
Issue: Volume 01: Issue 3; Pages 83 - 116
by B Stetson, S Boren, H Leventhal, D Schlundt, R Glasgow, E Fisher, R Iannotti, D Randal, D Kent, T Lumber, J Nelson, L Ruggiero, C Barnes, K Fitzner
Stetson B. Problem Solving in Diabetes Self-Management. SelfCare 2010;1(3):83-99
Problem solving is integral to successful self-management by those with diabetes, yet it is reportedly the most difficult skill to teach. The American Association of Diabetes Educators hosted a Problem Solving Symposium during which 15 invited thought leaders from multiple disciplines examined current knowledge about problem solving and the translation of empirical findings into the practice of diabetes self-management education.
by N Pillay, A Tisman, T Kent, J Gregson
Tisman A. The Economic Burden of Minor Ailments. SelfCare 2010;1(3):105-116
The UK population often consults General Practitioners (GPs) rather than pursuing self care for minor ailments (MAs). The associated costs of this behaviour have not been quantified.
by J Kennedy
Kennedy J. Self Care of Acute Red Eye. SelfCare 2010;1(3):100-104
A selection of newly published papers on self care from the worldwide literature
Every week, we will provide a brief summary and a link to the published abstract of newly published papers selected from the worldwide literature as being of particular interest to the SelfCare community.