From the Editors of SelfCare
Issue: Volume 01: Issue 4; Pages 117 - 148
by D C Bradford, D L McCammon, B C Page, C A Richardson, K A Hunter
Bradford D al. Principles of Actual Use Trials. SelfCare 2010;1(4):117-123
The actual use trial is a method for assessing safety of a prescription drug under conditions resembling non-prescription use. Thus, it is generally a key study in an application for the over-the-counter (OTC) switch of a drug in the U.S.
by A R Replogle, P Midgette, S J Levy, J G Levine, E L Hemwall
Replogle A al. SELECT: Case Study. SelfCare 2010;1(4):124-135
SELECT (Self Evaluation of Lovastatin to Enhance Cholesterol Treatment) was a self-selection study simulating consumer decision-making behavior in a real-world OTC setting.
by R D Feldman
Feldman R. D. Self care of hypertension. SelfCare 2010;1(4):136-144
Hypertension remains the leading atherosclerotic risk factor leading to premature death. The management of hypertension remains problematic, despite its ease of diagnosis, the simplicity of blood pressure monitoring and the wide availability of a number of effective antihypertensive drugs with excellent safety profiles.
by Kennedy J
Kennedy J. Self Care of Frequent Headache. SelfCare 2010;1(4):145-148
A selection of newly published papers on self care from the worldwide literature
Every week, we will provide a brief summary and a link to the published abstract of newly published papers selected from the worldwide literature as being of particular interest to the SelfCare community.
Worried Well. SelfCare November 2010 (Free text)
SelfCare collects ‘clippings’ from the media highlighting topical health issues for consumers. For obvious reason we call this section ‘Worried Well’. If you come across similar examples from your part of the world we would love to hear from you. Send contributions to