by Soller R W
Quality Research Needed to Expand the Scope and Quality of SelfCare. SelfCare 2011;2(3):62-65
Issue: Volume 02: Issue 3; Pages 62 - 92
by R W Soller, C Shaheen
Soller R W, Shaheen C. Medication Education Gap in the United States. SelfCare 2011;2(3):66-75
Effective health communication is essential for safe and effective self-care by consumers and patients. Despite successes on content and format improvements of drug labeling by the Food and Drug Administration, significant gaps remain in medication education by practitioners and self-education by consumers and patients.
by Nicola J Gray
Gray N J. The Evolution of Online Pharmacies. SelfCare 2011;2(3):76-86
The issue of buying medicines online has exercised the pharmacy and wider healthcare community over the last decade. The Internet offers another choice to people who seek medicines, with or without a prescription, and many commentators have listed associated risks and benefits. In this review article, peer-reviewed literature and associated commentary are examined to illustrate the evolution of online pharmacy.
by Rajiv Mehta
Mehta R. The Self-Quantification Movement. SelfCare 2011;2(3):87-92 (Free Text)
The growing phenomenon of self-quantification – people who observe certain aspects of their lives in great detail, analyze this data, and conduct self-experiments in the interests of improving their lives – is something health care professionals (HCPs) should be aware of.
A selection of newly published papers on self care from the worldwide literature
Every week, we will provide a brief summary and a link to the published abstract of newly published papers selected from the worldwide literature as being of particular interest to the SelfCare community.