Editor’s note. SelfCare 2012;3(1):1
Issue: Volume 03: Issue 1; Pages 1 - 18
by Mann S
Mann S. Pholcodine-containing cough medicines and anaphylactic reactions during surgery. SelfCare 2012;3(1):2-14
Cough medicines containing pholcodine (PHO) are used to suppress unproductive coughs and have been available as non-prescription products in many countries worldwide for decades. Recently, concerns have been raised about the safety of these products based on a body of evidence which purports to show a relationship between the use of pholcodine and the incidence of anaphylactic reactions to anaesthetic drugs.
by Kennedy, J
Kennedy J. Self-care of male pattern hair loss. SelfCare 2012;3(1):15-18
A selection of newly published papers on self care from the worldwide literature
Every week, we will provide a brief summary and a link to the published abstract of newly published papers selected from the worldwide literature as being of particular interest to the SelfCare community.