by Stephen Mann
Mann S. Editorial. SelfCare 2014;5(4):71-72.
Issue: Volume 05: Issue 4; Pages 71 - 99

by Zachary Hearns, Philip V Chan, Sandy Sallam, R William Soller*
Hearns Z, Chan P, Sallam S, Soller RW. Healthcare provider and student perspectives on mobile health applications for diabetes self-care. SelfCare 2014;5(4):73-84

by Rod Tucker, Lorna McHattie, Derek Stewart
Tucker R, McHattie L, Stewart D. Pharmacy staff management of people presenting with undiagnosed skin problems: a qualitative study of perceived factors influencing product selection. SelfCare 2014;5(4):85-99.

A selection of newly published papers on self-care from the worldwide literature
Every week, we will provide a brief summary and a link to the published abstract of newly published papers selected from the worldwide literature as being of particular interest to the SelfCare community.