By: T M Chaudhry
Chaudhry T M. Text Messages to influence Behavioural Changes in Ethnic groups with Long-Term Conditions: A systematic Literature Review. SelfCare 2020;11(2)48-63.
Self management
by B Stetson, S Boren, H Leventhal, D Schlundt, R Glasgow, E Fisher, R Iannotti, D Randal, D Kent, T Lumber, J Nelson, L Ruggiero, C Barnes, K Fitzner
Stetson B. Problem Solving in Diabetes Self-Management. SelfCare 2010;1(3):83-99
Problem solving is integral to successful self-management by those with diabetes, yet it is reportedly the most difficult skill to teach. The American Association of Diabetes Educators hosted a Problem Solving Symposium during which 15 invited thought leaders from multiple disciplines examined current knowledge about problem solving and the translation of empirical findings into the practice of diabetes self-management education.
by Phillips J
Phillips J. The need for an ingegrated approach to supporting patients who should self manage. SelfCare 2012;3(2):33-41
The rise of lifestyle-related chronic disease in the UK and Europe has led to an increasing burden on healthcare systems. Much of the disease burden is recognised to be preventable or as having the potential to be reduced if citizens take a greater responsibility for their health and make changes to their lifestyles. Self management has been proposed as a key strategy in achieving this.